Unlock the Similar Goodness of Naked Palette Smokey Eye Looks

Naked Palette Smokey Eye looks are no doubt on the trends and everyone loves them but it doesn't mean that there are no other brands that can give you satisfactory results. In this blog post, we will go through the basics to help you choose a brand that will give you similar results. I will breakdown everything you need to know for your smokey eyes:


Naked Palette are great for travel, it has a lot of colors, and they are so easy to use that even beginners can get creative with their looks. But there are some tips and tricks that will make your Naked Palette or any other palette from another brand look even better!

Eyeshadows in your kit

You've just finished your first naked makeup experience and you're ready to continue. Palettes are great, but if you're like me and have a hard time parting with your precious shadows once they're gone (I know I do), then having a few more colors in your kit can make all the difference.

The best way to think about this is: What colors would I use if there were no palettes? And what would I use if there was no mirror? If you have enough 'extra' eyeshadow colors (at least three) then these will be able to work on other areas of the face too!

Primer matters

One of the most important steps in creating a good smokey eye is priming. Primer helps to keep your shadow in place and makes it more vibrant, so you can create more impactful eyes. It also helps to make your shadow last longer—the more time that passes between when you apply primer and when you apply your shadow, the less likely it will fade or crease throughout the day! To be sure that your makeup stays put all day long, use a primer before applying any eye products as well as setting them with loose powder or setting spray (which we'll talk about next).

Eye shape

The eye shape you have is the most important factor when choosing the right smokey eye. If your eyes are round, it’s best to opt for a softer look that focuses on shadow and liner instead of full impact. Oval-shaped eyes work well with smoky eyes because they can pull off bolder hues without being too much or going overboard. Heart-shaped eyes will make you look like you stepped out of a photo shoot. Square-shaped faces are great candidates for smoky looks because they have lots of angles and angles mean more angles! Your eyelid will be able to show off more than one color at once, allowing for plenty of variety within one look (if this sounds confusing, just think about how many different layers there are in an ice cream sundae).

Blending is the key to a good smokey-eye look

Blending is the key to creating a good-looking smokey eye look similar to the ones we get from a naked palette smokey eye product. When you blend, you're making sure that all of your colors are smooth and well-blended. The key here is not just making sure that every color has been applied evenly—it's also about how much of each color you use. If you use too much of one color, it could make your eye look washed out with two or more colors instead of just one smooth shade. Blending also helps create depth in the look: darker shades will help draw attention away from some parts of the face while lighter ones bring attention back towards them!

Highlight with neutral colors

The easiest way to add dimension to your smokey eye is by highlighting the inner corners of your eye and the center of your lid with a light-colored shadow. This will help create an illusion that makes it seem like you have more depth in those areas, which can bring out the drama of any look.

Don’t go overboard with dark colors

There are other ways to create smokey eye looks. One of the most popular is using a light base color, like white or beige, then adding darker shades on top. The key to this look is blending well so that you don’t end up looking like an alien in some horror movie (or at least not one that everyone wants to look like). You can also use a neutral color as a highlight by applying it first and then blending it out into your crease line before adding any dark shadow colors over top. And if you have eyeliner with similar tones as those in your palette, try lining just above the lashes with one of those shades—this will help intensify the effect!

You can get a lot of mileage out of your Naked Palette if you know what you’re doing.

If you want to get the most out of your Palette, it’s important to know and understand how to use each color. The colors in this palette are not interchangeable; they each have their unique properties that can be used individually or combined with other colors to create a variety of eye looks.

Here are some tips on how best to use each color:

Nude: This is my go-to shade for everyday wear because it looks great on all skin tones and eyeshadows can easily be applied to overtop without looking muddy or overdone (like they would if applied directly onto the lid).

Buff: This shade works well as a base under other shadows before applying deeper shades overtop like shimmery ones (it also works well alone!). It gives depth without being too overpowering!


 in a range of novel and blendable shades in matte

If you want to take your Naked Palette Smokey Eye Look to the next level, try using some of the tips I’ve outlined here. Naked is in trend but we also recommend checking out our Explorer Eyeshadow Palette 14 Butterfly release which will satisfy all your smokey eyes needs. And remember: it’s all about finding the balance between neutrals and blacks—your eyes will thank you for it!