How to Line Lips with Lipstick the Professional Way?

People usually search online for how to line lips with lipstick when they run out of lipliners or are on a budget. If this is your case, read this article from start to end to master everything related to this question. This is where we uncover the basics, the tips and tricks, and our recommendations as well. 

In the cosmetic makeup universe, everything matters and impacts the flawless look one dreams of having from those fashion magazines. Those looks are achieved by knowing small or complicated techniques that one learns from years to practice. Regarding lip makeup, lipliners and lipsticks are the most common ones. If you were living under a rock or just starting to use makeup, these essential differences between the two will surely come in handy to you:

Lipsticks: They are the most well-known and widely used cosmetic to add texture and coloration to one's lips. Originating from ancient China, they were first akin to a lip balm and were used to make your lips healthier, youthful, and colorful. Makeup is never complete without lips being taken care of, and this is where lipstick plays an important role. One can select many shades of lipsticks for different makeup themes and looks, and they come in several textures.  

Lipliners: Listicsks are prone to smudging and spreading out from the area they are intended to be. This is where lipliners contain lipsticks in the desired area of the lips and are one of the most common cosmetics out there present in makeup kits of masses. They do their work of anti-smudging, feathering, and also giving more wearing time to the lipstick. It may not be the star of the show when it comes to lipstick makeup, but it surely is extremely important to contain the makeup as it is. And it is a must-have, tbh. 

The Normal Way: The msot commoon practice of lining lips ios with lipliners and using traditional lipstick on the entire rim and inside of the lips. Lipliners are commonly in the form of pencils and are easy to carry and apply as well. 

The Pro Way: Using just your lipstick as a lipliner is something only pros know how to do. This is the way of how to line lips with lipstick: Grab a darker shade of lipstick, probably with a smaller diameter, and use it to line your lips just like you would do with a lip liner. Next up, to highlight the rim of your mouth, use a lighter shade of lipstick, essentially giving you a contrasting shade just like one would get from a lip liner and lipstick used together. For tracing around the lips, use a pointy edge of the lipstick to trace the entire lip, then and adequately; finally, color your lips with the shade you desire with your lipstick. Make sure to blend both with a brush or finger so that both colors are adequately smoothed out.

The only thing to remember here is to choose a colour in contrast for both the inside and the rim of your mouth. This would make sure that you get an exactly similar look if a lipliner was used. A dark shade for the outside with pinkish shades for the mouth is the most common way to get amazing results. 

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Recommendations: We get it, selecting lipsticks can be extremely overwhelming and hard at the same time. This is why we want to help you by giving what we recommend the most. The Rouge Intense Velvet Slim Lipstick series, available in different shades, is best for those who want to do their lipline with lipsticks. Designed from the inspiration of stiletto heels, these lipsticks are loved by their customers and have retained a five-star rating. The smooth velvet texture it delivers is incredibly appealing and gives a subtle yet magnetic lip look that is hard to ignore. This was our take on the question of how to line lips with lipstick in the makeup 101 series, and we hope you learned the basics and the way to the lipliners and lipstick technique to get going for your next makeup look.