Eye makeup Basics: Do I Need Eyebrow Brush? What if I Don't Have it?

Eyebrow brushes is extremely important to take care of your brows. In This blog post, we will talk about them and other alternatives so that you can bring the best look out of your brows following our blog post.

We get it. You have a lot to do, and you can't be bothered with extra chores. But when it comes to eyebrows, there's nothing like a good brushing every morning. That's because brushing your eyebrows keeps them healthy and helps them grow long and straight.
Why you need to brush your eyebrows?

This action removes dead skin cells.
Removes buildup of oil and dirt.
Removes makeup residue.
Removes stray hairs.

Does brushing eyebrows make them grow?
Brushing your eyebrows is a great way to keep them looking healthy and full. It also helps to prevent ingrown hairs, which can be painful and unsightly. Brushing stimulates the hair follicles, removing dead skin cells, dirt and oil from your face. This will keep your eyebrows looking healthy and full. When it comes to the question of whether brushing makes brows grow faster or thicker, there's no clear answer yet—but there are some interesting theories:
A study published in The Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that 76 percent of women who brushed their eyebrows daily were satisfied with their results (compared with only 44 percent for those who didn't).
Another study found that women who regularly plucked or waxed their brows had less chance of developing cancer than those who didn't groom their brows at all (though this may have been due to excessive grooming).

Which Eyebrow Brush is recommended? 
The ideal brush for your eyebrows must come with a Dual-ended application ability, can be used to apply concealer under brows and should provide precise application. You can also use a spoolie to comb them. The spoolie is a thin and flexible round brush with soft bristles that will help remove excess hair from the skin without tugging on the follicles. Spoolies are also great for brushing brows because they can be used before applying eyebrow gel or powder to make sure every hair is in place and looking its best. They can also be used after filling in your brows as this will give it another quick pass through to make sure everything looks even throughout the day.

Can you straighten eyebrows with a spoolie Brush?
While it's true that a spoolie can be used to straighten your eyebrows, it's not a good idea. The reason is that a spoolie is designed for separating and brushing out the hairs—not for styling or shaping them into any particular shape. If you try to use this tool for anything other than its intended purpose, you may wind up with uneven brows that look worse than before.

and shape for precise

A better option would be to use an eyebrow pencil or gel to create the shape that you want first, then brush through with the spoolie after applying mascara (or any other type of mascara) on your lashes so they're nice and thickened up there too. You can opt for the Dual-ended Hexagonal Chiseled Eyebrow Pencil from Perfect diary for this step.

Mascara wand
If you don't have an eyebrow brush, there's still hope! Mascara wands are designed to help you get every last bit of product off the brush. That means they're great for brushing your eyelashes too, so why not use one for your eyebrows? Make sure that you choose a mascara wand that is designed for your eye shape and brow grooming needs. 

in gorgeously distinguished

You can use a gentle or firm sweeping motion when brushing—it's up to you! Just remember not to scrub too hard or go back and forth in the same place over and over again; this will only irritate the sensitive skin around your eyes. Try the

High Definition Long Lasting Multi-Function Mascara for best results.

If you want to grow, straighten, and keep your eyebrows looking good, you should brush them daily. Brushing your eyebrows daily is a great way to maintain their health and keep them looking good. If you want to grow, straighten, and keep your eyebrows looking good, you should brush them daily. Brushing helps remove dead skin cells and oil from the skin which can help promote hair growth as well as keep your eyebrows tidy.

So, there you have it! That's a few ways to get your eyebrows looking groomed with and without an eyebrow brush. While using the right tools for your eyebrows is important, keeping your skin and hair healthy from within is also crucial. Check on that too.